Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Food Battles

Okay, so I'm admitting that we've started a bad habit of letting Graham dictate to us what he wants to eat at dinner time. For some reason that meal is the hardest meal to get him to be content eating. The routine we've fallen into is to offer him up to 3 options just trying to figure out what he will eat because more than likely, he doesn't want the first few suggestions. It is nothing for me to get up several times during the meal and pull something else out of the fridge or cabinet to heat up, etc to try to please him with. It has finally started to get to me so I'm trying to stand my ground. I know that I'm raising a picky eater if I let him make me into a 'short order cook' with whatever he wants. My friend Kelly has encouraged me to stick to offering him one thing and that be it. She has been doing that with her little girl and it is paying off. So last night I fixed Graham some tasty garden veggie rice with some yummy turkey with cheese and crushed chips like a taco salad...well, the only thing he would even open his mouth to try were the little chips. Mind you, he's eaten things like this before and enjoyed them just fine. He wanted something else, but that is all I would give him and I must say it felt a little empowering this morning to know he slept through the night without waking up hungry (like he's an infant or something! ha!) There are other things I would like to do to make our dinner time together more special- starting off with us sitting down as much as possible all 3 of us together which we aren't consistent with now. So this is just the first step in helping Graham try new things! Please pray that I can stick witht it!

Adventures of Mother's Day Out

As some of you know, our little Bud started MDO 2 days a week at the beginning of the month. Mike has been taking care of Graham on Tues, Wed, and Thursdays for the past year and a half while I work those days and stay home with Graham on Mondays and Fridays. So this has been a big and exciting change for all 3 of us. He has 3 teachers with a total of only 8 kids to his 'ladybug class'. We were both really nervous about leaving him there during nap time for fear that he wouldn't nap at all. He's been doing pretty well with it so far. He actually napped 'well' the teacher said yesterday while the time before he 'chatted' with the little girl in the crib next to him during the entire nap time. I laughed though because I was happy he was enjoying being social with 'friends' in his class. He got to see a fire truck for the first time yesterday up close. He definitely wasn't too sure what to think about it though. They've been learning about people who help us for example: the mailman, fireman, and police officers, etc. It's been great though and we're looking forward to all that this year holds for Graham in 'school'.

I have been getting spoiled with the notes that Graham has been receiving on his MDO days from his teachers for Mike and I that let me know exactly how the day went...what type of mood he was in, if he ate well at lunch, if he slept and for how long...but he hasn't gotten them the last few days. Mike asked his teachers about it and they said they didn't fill them out today...that was the only explanation. It's definitely not a big deal...I just wish that when I asked Graham about his day that he could actually tell me all about it. Oh I know one day he will and everyone says I'll be wishing he didn't talk to much, but honestly I can't imagine that! I can't wait for him to tell me all that is in his little red head. I see those wills turning and he does talk to me, but it will be heavenly to hear him say 'Mommy, I love you so much' one day.

The Beginning

Yesterday I felt strongly that the Lord was encouraging me to start making notes on my daily life. I've always wanted to write children's books someday and starting with something as simple as a blog could prove to myself that I have the ability to write things that people will enjoy reading. Plus, I don't want to forget the little things that fill up my days especially while Graham is still young. So here is my shot at journaling my life that consists of being a part-time stay at home mom to Graham while working 20 hours a week for the same company for 4 years, being Michael's wife of 6 years now, and everything else that makes me who I am at the place in time of my life. I'm encouraged today. I hope you are too to take a shot at your dreams.
2 Thessalonians 2:16 says:
15-17So, friends, take a firm stand, feet on the ground and head high. Keep a tight grip on what you were taught, whether in Add Imagepersonal conversation or by our letter. May Jesus himself and God our Father, who reached out in love and surprised you with gifts of unending help and confidence, put a fresh heart in you, invigorate your work, enliven your speech.
