Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Adventures of Mother's Day Out

As some of you know, our little Bud started MDO 2 days a week at the beginning of the month. Mike has been taking care of Graham on Tues, Wed, and Thursdays for the past year and a half while I work those days and stay home with Graham on Mondays and Fridays. So this has been a big and exciting change for all 3 of us. He has 3 teachers with a total of only 8 kids to his 'ladybug class'. We were both really nervous about leaving him there during nap time for fear that he wouldn't nap at all. He's been doing pretty well with it so far. He actually napped 'well' the teacher said yesterday while the time before he 'chatted' with the little girl in the crib next to him during the entire nap time. I laughed though because I was happy he was enjoying being social with 'friends' in his class. He got to see a fire truck for the first time yesterday up close. He definitely wasn't too sure what to think about it though. They've been learning about people who help us for example: the mailman, fireman, and police officers, etc. It's been great though and we're looking forward to all that this year holds for Graham in 'school'.

I have been getting spoiled with the notes that Graham has been receiving on his MDO days from his teachers for Mike and I that let me know exactly how the day went...what type of mood he was in, if he ate well at lunch, if he slept and for how long...but he hasn't gotten them the last few days. Mike asked his teachers about it and they said they didn't fill them out today...that was the only explanation. It's definitely not a big deal...I just wish that when I asked Graham about his day that he could actually tell me all about it. Oh I know one day he will and everyone says I'll be wishing he didn't talk to much, but honestly I can't imagine that! I can't wait for him to tell me all that is in his little red head. I see those wills turning and he does talk to me, but it will be heavenly to hear him say 'Mommy, I love you so much' one day.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are acting on something you have felt lead to do and know you will treasure these thoughts for years to come. I can't wait to read about all of the adventures the three of you encounter!

    All my love, Sue

