Monday, March 8, 2010


Well, we had another busy weekend. Mike and I attended Bethesda's Date Night on Friday and dropped Graham off at the church for child care. We had dinner at Cracker Barrel with the Giere's and then came back to the church for a marriage dvd we watched with the other couples. Saturday morning we celebrated Trenton's 3rd birthday at North Richland Hill's Church of Christ's Play that place is huge. We got to see lots of other little ones and a few more mutual friends too. We got Graham home just in time for a nap and then off to another birthday party held at the Little Gym. It was a party for Gabby a little girl in his Mother's Day Out class. We met some of the other parents in Graham's class which was really nice. There were 2 other little red heads there besides Graham. We went to Marti Williams' Sunday school class on couples in the Bible which has been really enlightening and then Stephen Evans shared in church about what was new with LOLI since they just got back from Costa Rica. Last night we had our home group over for our study again so we had a busy Sunday.
